Auto Injuries
We can treat neck and back injuries, and whiplash injuries and help with soft tissue pain and injuries. Many times, individuals who have been injured in a car accident have so much muscle pain and stiffness that they simply cannot function normally. This discomfort, on top of other injuries, can be a serious issue.
One of the first steps on the road to recovering from these injuries is to make an appointment with your chiropractor.
First, your chiropractor may want to take x-rays to determine if there are serious injuries in the neck or spine. You may not notice the signs or symptoms of this type of injury, so you must consider X-rays.
You may also be suffering from headaches, pain or general discomfort as a result of a whiplash-related injury. Most people assume that whiplash injuries only occur during high-speed accidents, but a change in speed of just a few miles per hour during an accident can cause them.
Some individuals experience indicators of whiplash injuries right away, such as blurred vision, headaches, shoulder pain, dizziness, reduced range of motion, and arm pain. Whiplash can also result in minor back injuries, muscle injuries, ligament problems, and disc damage. Other individuals may not experience any serious injuries right away and may think they are just “stiff” or “sore” after the accident when serious injuries could be forming and compounding.
If left untreated, these issues can go on to cause other additional serious health problems. You may not think you have been injured after a car accident, and then start to experience discomfort or headaches several months after the fact. This is why you should always visit a chiropractor for an evaluation, even if you think there may not be a serious injury to blame.